23/10/2020 – It has been a quiet year for us as a society and very disappointing with the postponement of a couple of planned exhibitions – but now we’re ready to go again! Our annual exhibition at Belmont Citi Centre is starting on Monday 26th October and will run for 2 weeks, finishing November 8. Everyone is eager to show the paintings they have accumulated over the past few months and we look forward to seeing all our regular followers – and hopefully a few new ones too. Naturally, social distancing along with hand sanitizing and regular cleaning will be on all our members’ minds as we welcome you to our last exhibition of the year – one which is always popular with Christmas just around the corner. With a wonderful painting by popular local artist Robyn Spruce being raffled, it’s sure to be another success. We hope to see you there, and fingers crossed 2021 will be back to normal for us all!