13/1/17 – A new year has begun and it is already shaping up to be a busy and exciting time for our artists. With our exhibition at John Hunter Hospital (on level 3) until the 25th, there is still a little over a week to see the artwork our members have on display. Also, the shop at Edgeworth Town Centre is proving to be extremely popular with art lovers, even after the Christmas rush. The shop is still full with a wide variety of art, as artists have been bringing in replacements as paintings sell. So far 23 artworks have been sold! We will be there until the end of January so if you have seen something you like, or if you are looking for (or just enjoy looking at) art – you still have a couple of weeks to call in. Popular artist Eleanor Anson (pictured) will be there demonstrating Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays until the end of the month, with other artists there some other days. There are contact details on the door if you should need assistance and the shop is unmanned. Added to this, our shop window display at Belmont Citi Centre will be changing in the next week, so if you’re in the area be sure to have a look!